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Lovers Necklace - Gold

Maison DPM

Lovers Necklace - Gold

Sale price€42,95

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Only 11 units left
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The Lovers' Necklace allows you to engrave your initials on a pretty golden pendant matching its chain.

Write your two first names as well as the date you met to celebrate your love. Perfect as a wedding anniversary gift .

Comes with its chain.

  • The lovers necklace
  • Fully customizable
  • Chain included (50cm)

French company

We are L’Atelier Des Petits Mots

A small team in a local company located in the south of France.

We want to create unique and original jewelry that will touch the hearts of the people who receive it.

That's why we do our best to create jewelry that they will never forget.

French company

We are L’Atelier Des Petits Mots

A small team in a local company located in the south of France.

We want to create unique and original jewelry that will touch the hearts of the people who receive it.

That's why we do our best to create jewelry that they will never forget.


You have 14 days from receipt of your package.

To make a return, it's very simple! Simply send an email to

Indicate your name, your order number and the name of the item you wish to return.

Following this, we will tell you how to ship the products.

As soon as we have received your item and we guarantee its conformity, you will be reimbursed.

Custom orders are neither exchangeable nor refundable.


You have 14 days from receipt of your package.

To make a return, it's very simple! Simply send an email to

Indicate your name, your order number and the name of the item you wish to return.

Following this, we will tell you how to ship the products.

As soon as we have received your item and we guarantee its conformity, you will be reimbursed.

Custom orders are neither exchangeable nor refundable.

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Lovers Necklace - Gold : A Jewel of Emotion

The joy of celebrating life through personalized jewelry.

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Lovers Necklace - Gold : The Ideal Gift for an Exceptional Person